I was bored in PowerShell class today.
Here's a simple PowerShell script to roughly calculate antenna values. YMMV. Wooooooo!
Function Show-DipoleSize()
[float]$freq = Read-Host "What is the desired freq. in MHz?"
$f = ($freq)
$a = (468/$freq)
$b = ($a/2)
$c = ($b * 12)
$d = ($f*3)
$e = ($f*9)
$l = ($a*2)
$cm = ($b*30.48)
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "At $freq MHz:" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host ""
Write-Host " $a ft. is the lenth of a 1/2-wave dipole made of copper."
Write-Host " Each 'leg' of the dipole should be $b ft. long."
Write-Host " If you are building a ground plane, the radiator should be $b ft."
Write-Host " The GP radials (4 minimum) should be slightly shorter than $b ft."
Write-Host " A full-wave loop should reach 52 Ohm impedance at approximately $l ft."
Write-Host " $b ft. = $c inches."
Write-Host " $b ft. = $cm centimeters."
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "The antenna should function just fine around $d MHz."
Write-Host "The antenna should function just fine around $e MHz."
Copy/Paste what's between the #####'s into PowerShell ISE and save it to your liking.
Here's a simple PowerShell script to roughly calculate antenna values. YMMV. Wooooooo!
Function Show-DipoleSize()
[float]$freq = Read-Host "What is the desired freq. in MHz?"
$f = ($freq)
$a = (468/$freq)
$b = ($a/2)
$c = ($b * 12)
$d = ($f*3)
$e = ($f*9)
$l = ($a*2)
$cm = ($b*30.48)
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "At $freq MHz:" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host ""
Write-Host " $a ft. is the lenth of a 1/2-wave dipole made of copper."
Write-Host " Each 'leg' of the dipole should be $b ft. long."
Write-Host " If you are building a ground plane, the radiator should be $b ft."
Write-Host " The GP radials (4 minimum) should be slightly shorter than $b ft."
Write-Host " A full-wave loop should reach 52 Ohm impedance at approximately $l ft."
Write-Host " $b ft. = $c inches."
Write-Host " $b ft. = $cm centimeters."
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "The antenna should function just fine around $d MHz."
Write-Host "The antenna should function just fine around $e MHz."
Copy/Paste what's between the #####'s into PowerShell ISE and save it to your liking.