Two Weeks Later
I continue to be somewhat surprised by this antenna. At a tip-top elevation of 54.5', it seems to have better ears locally than I had expected it would. I have noticed the ability to hear some stations in the 20 to 30 mile range that were lost to me in the noise. This antenna seems to be quieter in receive than the 5/8ƛ I had up before it. I am not saying it upgrades their signals receive wise, but I am saying that they are more readily understood as the white noise is less intrusive, or at a lower level on the Astroplane.
As a note, I am in the Ozarks. Stations at 20 to 30 miles distant in a given direction can be more difficult to contact than those twice the distance in another direction.
Still observing . . . .
I have come to the conclusion that there must be some improvements made in my homebrew 5/8ƛ and Qv4k (homemade Vector 4k) when Spring arrives. Those will be on the order of improvements to the matching systems, and of the components at the connections. I will readdress the dimensions to be especially sure they are dead-on to specs, I will hopefully purchase newer better coax, and will be moving the shack to a different location so my run will be 1/3 distance closer. I am looking to reduce any losses due to fabrication compromises.
After that, perhaps I'll try to build a Q(quasi)SGM.