A friend of mine who passed away many years ago left behind some radios. Most of the items were sold off by his son. His wife gave me a call and said she was selling the house and moving to Fla. While the attic was being cleaned out a few item's that were missed poped up. He was a ham. I'm gonna sell those items for her. He son who sold the items thay knew he had now lives in ca. Theirs one transciver I know I'm taking for myself. It's a 1963 sonar mono bannder (10 meter) usb lsb cw transciver. Can it be modified to operate on 11 meter am? I know this would have to be done by a tec if it's even possible. Either way I'm taking it as its a beautiful looking piece of sonar history. It's the first time I've ever heard of one and seen one. So is that in the relm of possibley? I know that purists will say I'm insane for basically ask if that radio can be bucthered. I understand but I'm not a ham nore do I operate cw. Or for that matter I don't operate anywhere above channel 40 or below channel 1. What u say?