It might work. There are so many factors. What I've gathered is that an outside, straight, long, wire is ideal for shortwave reception.
But, lots of people use slinkys too. A slinky dipole might work great for some people, and poorly for others depending on location, size, lots of things.
I've found that many of these guys on here tell people to "go experiment", and I see why now; there are just too many factors to reliably predict your results over the web. But, there are people that use dipole slinkys for shortwave so yes it will likely work. How good I have no idea; nor will you unless you try different arrangements to compare. Also remember, shortwave reception is best at night. Check your reception after dark, or late into the night; in the daytime right now can yield nothing even with a great antenna.
I'd recommend first going to and ordering the 100ft 18AWG copper wire. Split the wire down the middle by simply pulling it apart (it's speaker wire so it's paired). You now have 200 ft of insulated wire to experiment with, for only $7.46
You're welcome to purchase from anywhere, I'm just citing the cheapest source I know and where I got my (now) 800 ft of wire. If it doesn't work to your satisfaction, then try the slinky... or, build your own; you'll have lots of copper wire to work with