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I live in the boonie's and have a microwave transmission link with a T-1 connection. and everything is wide open? firewall is medium and the wwf has exceptions
if anyone is interested there is an alternitive, ill link to a program called mirc and include the registration. instead of using the java irc chat window you can use a real irc client. it is nice because you dont need to have your browser open. there are ofther options like direct file transfers, and auto joins.
this will allow you to connect to any chat room in the worlds largest chat network, irc.
when you launch mirc go to the file tab and select server (alt+e), scroll down to dynastynet:random server and click. to go to the chat you can either go to channels list or you can type /join #cbhamchat and hit the enter key, that will bring you to the chat. you can also set it up to do it all automatically whenever mirc opens. (abd you have have it startup with windows like i do so im always on- if im not on its because i am running linux and dont bother chatting than.
( its a free server so there will be 1 add, you can skip past it and than you wait 45 seconds for the download to start).
The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U.S. with news, information and resources.
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