no one is picking on the name as usual you get your panties in a bunch without knowing the whole story.
I ain't got no panties on . . ."
Now, back to the discussion.
As we've established before, this isn't personal. I just won't let anyone blindside me with unsupported claims or accusations. There is no cause to be upset with me. I am only asking for what you offered - the truth.
There was absolutely nothing in the starter post you made that supported your accusation. And, although there was nothing in the post to support what you said, there were responses to the post ridiculing Coily on the basis of that post. I may be the only one initially who asked a real question about it, though.
You said your motives were to objectively establish the truth of things. I am just asking for evidence within the post for the accusation of error. I have been by Coily's site a time of two, but I didn't memorize it, nor do I own one. You know I like to homebrew.
Now I have another question.
If the modulation/audio utilizes the carrier/signal to get to and from points A and B, then why would this statement not be true?
all I have done is created a capacitance up top! Forcing more signal/audio up top also adding exceptional receive,shortening overall height,also eliminating any chance of high wattage arcing!!