The long end of the insulator is supposed to be on the top. That is where the water from rain and heavy fog will run down to........
I know the current drawing of the SPT 500 Penetrator shows the short end up, but that is incorrect. Look at a drawing from the old school 500 Penetrators and it does show the long end up.
I used an adjustable hand reamer I ordered from
Just measure the OD of the vertical radial and determine the reamer that will adjust to that size. Be sure and get one that will even adjust larger so as to have plenty of room to get there.
I know the current drawing of the SPT 500 Penetrator shows the short end up, but that is incorrect. Look at a drawing from the old school 500 Penetrators and it does show the long end up.
I used an adjustable hand reamer I ordered from
Just measure the OD of the vertical radial and determine the reamer that will adjust to that size. Be sure and get one that will even adjust larger so as to have plenty of room to get there.