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Cb channels empty for the most part.

Shhh... here's a secret..... get your ham ticket..

CLL summed it up nicely...

Around the Central Ia corn fields, 21 is occupied by some DSM locals, a neigboring town 60 miles south has a couple of locals every evening on 20, but the Bowl is alway going...Several operators like to ragchew up in the freeband portion...I think they want to get away from the silence. :tongue:
Here in North Mississippi its quiet EVERYWHERE. If it wasn't for skip, (which has died off here big time), I'd have nothing to listen to.
"Magnificent Desolation"

In the Keys, 11 meters is fairly quiet. We get truckers on 19 as they bring their loads down. The occasional tourist also makes an appearance there every so often.

As for locals, there is a family that runs a charter boat. They use the CB to keep in touch from house to boat - a not uncommon practice down here. I do the same.

There is a guy about 8 miles due east of me that I occasionally catch on upper or lower 38. He moved down here a few years ago from Nevada.

Some Boy Scouts were talking about setting up a CB radio network down here, but it never got off the ground.

Miami has more crowded airways. but nothing like the congestion from the golden age when there dedicated groups on 2, 4, 10, 11, 13, 14, 18, 22 and others. There was chronic, terrible bleed over across the band. Channel 14 tends to be Spanish. Channel 19 has a regular crowd - not just truckers. The channel 40 guys have made a mess of it with too many linears, to much walking over each other a just overall poor practices.
Unfortunately the CB Radio hobby seems to be dying a slow death. The boom days of the CB Radio hobby of the 1970s and 80s are gone forever.

When the skip isn't rolling in all 40 channels are pretty damn quiet around here.
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W9CLL is about right on. Get your ham ticket. There's still folks on HF in the ham world.

11 meters around here is dead except when skip comes or when 19 has a few truck drivers passing thru. Sometimes 38 LSB has a few on but not many.

2 meters we have some traffic, not that much and 70 cm is about the same, thanks to the linked repeater system.
Unit194 , I for one remember The 70's an 80's an spending hours on a snowy winter night talking for hours with as many as 15 locals in my area until the occasional " Carrier Chucker " decided to join us then it pretty much turned into a free for all ! Unfortunately those days are gone an don't think they will ever return .
Unit194 , I for one remember The 70's an 80's an spending hours on a snowy winter night talking for hours with as many as 15 locals in my area until the occasional " Carrier Chucker " decided to join us then it pretty much turned into a free for all ! Unfortunately those days are gone an don't think they will ever return .
In the 70's and 80's CB was booming here in the Chicagoa area, Ch 4 was my "home" channel and there was always someone on. After the new "40's" came out we all moved to channel 27. After a while I grew tired of AM and move to SSB only.
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I must admit W9 I can't even fathom how busy it was there considering the population I know how busy it was here an your area is still busy now on certain channels , it must have been hard to catch a " Break " ! ( pun intended ):lol:
Unit194 , I for one remember The 70's an 80's an spending hours on a snowy winter night talking for hours with as many as 15 locals in my area until the occasional " Carrier Chucker " decided to join us then it pretty much turned into a free for all ! Unfortunately those days are gone an don't think they will ever return .

I used to live in the city in the 70s and 80s and there was literally at least 15 base stations within a mile radius of my house. Between the local base stations, mobile units and walkie talkies the only time you could really have an uninterrupted ragchew would either be very early in the morning or very late at night. Those were the crazy days of CB Radio but unfortunately they are long gone.
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There's those walkie talkie's again , That one Christmas got me started in this in this hobby many years ago . I can remember the first time I heard DX on them an went hoarse trying to make a contact ! They had a whole 1/4 mile range , an there I go another thread gone off topic ! lol:whistle:
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Was over camping this week with the scoobie and wed' night had big storms. Made some great contacts in MI,IL,IA even Indiana Jones at the camper. I have the radio setup on a deep cycle with the 102" whip ground plane on the top of the pop up about 20 feet up. pretty funny. There was finally a close lightning strike and decided enough was enough. Ran like heck to get the ladder and yank that thing down. Today on the way home the only station I could hear (& the only contact) was some chick, 106 NC I think. Busiest day in a long time. Caught a little from Jamaica and W. Indies yest' around lunch time. Sure do miss the pileups. Back to the grind here at home. Lots of garden maintenance to do after being gone for a week. Tomato plants are falling over about 6 feet tall loaded with tomatoes and ready to pull the roof down. At least the wife was kind enough to water them!:crying:
Wow !! Hobie talking about myself getting off topic your talking about tomatoes tearing your roof off ! One of my favorites " Attack of the Killer Tomatoes " I'm sorry I'll try to stay on track ! lol:biggrin:
There's those walkie talkie's again , That one Christmas got me started in this in this hobby many years ago . I can remember the first time I heard DX on them an went hoarse trying to make a contact ! They had a whole 1/4 mile range , an there I go another thread gone off topic ! lol:whistle:

A Lafayette 100mw walkie talkie got me started in the hobby.
Two channels and a few come and go on SSB. a little slow now that summer is here but it will pick up again when the days get shorter and the sun goes down at 5:00pm the radios will start talking after all the grass is mowed and the Fall leaves get cleaned up. Friday and Saturday nights can still get out of control.

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