Some years ago, I put together an interface using an MS-DOS-based computer to control the channels on an old GE CB (just happen to be the same one I used in my Spectrum Analyzer project). I've gotten alot of emails for details on the project, so I've posted the schematic. Basically the computer controls up to 8 programming lines of the PLL chip. The software end can be almost anything from rudimentary hi-lo single line control, to sophisticated split-frequency programming with lots of memory channels. It would be possible to set up a rotating frequency plan that keeps changing the frequency to a new one every time you key, allowing VERY hard-to-follow conversations.
The software I wrote allows basic 40-channel control with split-freq operation, as well extra channel control for radios like the 148, etc including split frequency ability.
The software I wrote allows basic 40-channel control with split-freq operation, as well extra channel control for radios like the 148, etc including split frequency ability.