I keep current on a daily basis on news within the trucking industry and would expect any new hands free rules for CB's to be made public like they have been in the past.I know Hands Free is not enforced.
I'm not aware of any states or municipalities that include the use of CB or HF radio under hands free laws. Problem is the wording of the laws are subject to interpretation because many of them purposely do not give specific definitions to what devices are to be used as hands fee only.
Years ago Coconino county in northern Arizona (Flagstaff), passed a hands free only laws and the original draft stated "ALL ELECTRONIC DEVICES" and initially included all radio's too. This immediately got the attention of the Amateur radio community there and they quickly intervened and got the ruling changed to exclude radio devices like HF and CB. We can thank them for being so vigilant and stepping up they way they did! However, a cell phone is a radio because it transmits on a frequency too but this debate will never be won.
To my knowledge, Canadian rules now require the use of CB's and HF radios to be hands-free only. The rules vary among the Provinces though.
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