bigred222 said:
Bushwacker Seriously you just made my day. i understand why people frown at my work and say what a crap job Red, but i just look at it myself and say Welp looks like hell butchya gotta start somewhere. I think next i want to build my own amplifier just for fun. but first i think i need to invest in some more testing equipment. my dads an engineer and his talent sure hasnt rubbed off on me but his desire to want to make stuff sure did. Thanks bushwacker. give my 73's up to good ol' canada for me
BIGREDS Connecticut Base Station Is 10-7
I really don't think you did a crap job at all. Its looks really good to me. If you want to build an amp, you can do it without alot of test equiptment. There are lots of small basic amps you can build. The biggest thing for amps is a good rf meter that will show reflected watts and a dummy load. If you have those and a good power supply (enough for what your building) and multimeter and your set. You don't need alot of fancy equiptment. There are small little 1 pill amps you can build or even amps with 1969's and other transistors that are small and easy.... they are all based on the same tuning circuits.
Don't put off building stuff because you think you don't have the right equiptment. If you don't have a dummy load.... build one... need a signal generator... use a second cb radio etc etc.
Go for it and build an amp... if you don't feel comfortable building one from scratch,,,, get a kit.
If you want to try a real easy and small amp, try the "Mosquito", the schematic is at cbtricks and you can use a 1969 for the rf power transistor.
lots of other schematics for 1 or 2 pill amps you can build at cbtricks. I really think if you take your time and enjoy what your doing you will have no problem building one. There are lots of guys on the forums here that know their stuff to answer your questions.
Go for it.... and nice job with the mod
Bush station 588 kickin back those good numbers to Conneticut