I do not remember you having a shop, well unless your talking about that place you and that guy had at the Flea market, other than that it seems you did real good, i am glad you did good, out of all the guys i knew back then you've done the best, no i don't have that radio anymore, got stolen out of my car when to a friends house, broke out the window and took it, that got me pretty pissed off, my grandfather gave me that radio but that's old news, i still would like to get back om but cause of my health i can't take a chance and try to put a mast up and have the antenna fall on my head, i got real brittle bones so if i fell it could kill me, i hate talking about my problems, it is not your problems so i'll shut up, sorry for crying about it but it sounds like your doing real good, i have a question, how high does a dipole need to be up in the air for it to work the best, when i was on face book a guy i met there made me a cheap one, it could handle maybe 100 watts, very light weight but still it should work.