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CDX 956 - Dana in MS


Yes, that's 3100 degrees F. Nine yrs of hard work.
Apr 5, 2005
West Coast - Washington
Well Dana it was pleasure to speak with you again, seems like its only just a couple times a year that we get to do it.

Got to love tho's conditions last night.. hu?
I was looking at the clock and it was around 45 minutes that we were yakking away.... at 1:00 in the morning!!

Well doggonit Larry you'll have to excuse my tardiness. My old PII computer took a nose dive while I was in the midst of gathering all the componants to upgrade this one. I was able to wing it but no access to backups on floppy, DVD/CD or USB ZIP. This one is a rock (MSI K7N2 Platinum/AMD2800), I'm building it a twin sister and the PII is back in line. Between the SATA drives and RAID fault tolerance it shouldn't happen again ...knock on wood.
We had it locked down that afternoon for a while didn't we ! If it's out of the West your signals always on top. In fact I heard you call a couple of days ago but by the time the rig warmed up the propagation fell out. Looks like it is slowly working back your way again. A smattering of the West coast last evening and bit of long hop was in the mix too. SA, 43 and 41 div managed to slipped in before the band closed. Yesterday morning I could hear some low sigs from across the N. Atlantic so it is getting to be that time.
It is always good visiting with you Larry, on the air or other wise. Looking forward to the next time and I hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Take care and good signals to you.

...man Im lost w/o spell chex
Hello again good friend,
Glad to hear you are still around here and man I am glad you got that PC working again.

Nothing coming from the North or South Pacific to speak of. I do see were there are a few more operator's that are coming into the "freeband" area from China and Taiwan tho. This is good, for I have only been able to contact 4 different stations there in China, very slim on the operators.

Ok Dana, I sure will be listening for you again, but probably not until Oct....that's when conditions will improve between use.

Keep in touch.
Your right about the timing Larry,

In October a stable pattern begins to emerge for this area as well. During late Summer we can have a narrow window of opportunity for most anywhere so I usually have a receiver on 24/7. Several stations in Alaska popped last week with sporadic propagation for about an hour.

Glad to hear about the new operators as I am challenged for Asian contacts. For a few years during around the peak of the cycle I was able to converse two stations in Japan with some consistency using the early morning grey line. If it doesn't spur up for a while I have a rather large backlog of contacts to transfer to database...should keep me busy for sometime.

Another tropical storm headed this way Tuesday so it is about time to crank down the antenna. I left it up during the last one, fortunately only suffered some rotor damage during 70 mile an hour wind gust. I am still debating replacement with another Yaesu or HAM IV.

By the way, a few days ago I spoke with a fellow in Canada that knows AE219. He said he sold his tractor/trailer and took a desk job. What you want to bet he tries to key his telephone out of habit !

Until next time Larry,
Well I sure hope you survive the storm Dana, it's not looking good down there...so lets hope for the best.

I will keep in touch with you on the Asia stations, they usually start appearing around Jan. But, it just depends on the conditions of course.

Take care Dana, let me know how you make out on the storm.

Note: I see John (153AT063) there in Thailand has been activate lately. I am hoping to catch him this coming winter again, missed him last year.
Yes I know,
At my elevation it isn't the flooding, but falling trees that are a concern. The current local prediction is 40-50 mph winds, possible gust to 70+ with 4 - 6 inches of rain. This is getting to be a regular thing. The last two missed me by 60 miles off to either side, but looks like natures aim is improving. By the 2nd day on land the remnants are supposed to be directly over the roof top. I sure feel for those folks along the Gulf.

Thanks, yes if you think about it a tap on the shoulder would be appreciated. I'm hoping the propagationit isn't as sporatic from that direction as it was last year.

Keep a tight top knotch,
Dana - 335 miles N.N.E. of the Big Breezee
We made it through in good shape Larry,

A large Oak missed the corner of the house by 10 ft. but no big deal. Right now a group of us are coordinating efforts to send some relief to the area.

Keep them in your thoughts,
That sounds good Dana.
It sure is mess down there, been watching it on TV and I really feel sorry for everyone there, they have sure lost a lot.
It looks just like a Tsunamia has hit.....very sad.

Keep in touch friend,

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