It's not that I don't want to help you any more, it's just that with out at least a frequency counter to connect to the test points you wont have a clue as to where the radio is going. The reason the other channels are not working could be simply that the VCO or mixer stages don't have the bandwidth to cover the range, then the PLL will go out of lock and stop the transmit. The old mod of just disabling the LD pin is no good as that will just let the radio drift every where in a unlocked state, not a good idea!
If you have a multimeter then you can monitor the voltage on the LD, see whether it goes high or low when everything is working, then when going to the extra channels you can adjust the VCO to get the same result again.
yep, this is what I dug up too.. Doesnt have a wide freq range. I priced the freq counters, and it will be a item I get later.. Going to just get a moddable radio thats easier and matches up. I will say the lesson learned here was fun, and i've seen hands on what a radio does when its trying to lock on a frequency out of its range