Ever try to use a clarifier with that kind of range in a mobile?Full channel one way and 7 or 8kc the other.
Let's look at that for a second...
For a range of just 1500 (because the numbers are easier)
Most fine tune poteniometers are 270 degree span.
That's > 5.5 Hertz/degree.
The outer circumference of the knob is close enough to 1.5" and...
The painted line on the knob averages .045" so..
.001= 1 degree = 1 Hertz = a possible range of error of 90 Hertz.
Texting and driving ?
Lets over simplify and cut that range in half.
.001= 1 degree = .5 Hertz = a possible range of error of 45 Hertz.
Compare that with the stock range (close enough)
.001= 1 degree = .25 Hertz = a possible range of error of 23 Hertz.
If you need the alphas do it to the chip. if you need the zeros switch in some "c".
When you get tired of all this parts in, parts out, drifty crap just put a DDS in it and tolerate the phase noise.