R104 is a 10k resistor that is connected to the Base of TR33.
should be just to the rear of where you found TR32.
it might not be labeled, and it might be soldered into a spot marked for a diode.
it happens because this same board is used in different radios with different features.
my guess is that it has been cut or removed all together.
there is another hack mod that people like to do to this chassis which involves lowering the value of two resistors in the mic audio line that is supposed to make the radio louder.
what it really does is make the mic more sensitive and prone to squealing.
they are R99 and R94, and should be found in the same general area as TR32 and TR33.
they should both be 10k resistors, but people change them out to 4.7k or even 2.2k in an attempt to squeeze every bit of audio they can out of the radio.
its actually counterproductive because you have to turn the mic gain down so the radio wont squeal. LOL
speaking of mic squeal, there is an electrolytic cap whose value can be increased to help prevent the mic from squealing.
it is C92 and the stock value is 47uF. i up its value to 1000uF, but 470uF should be just fine.
it all depends on what you can find that will fit, as its a crowded area.
as for the 1419 regulator, you could probably look up its datasheet and find a sub, but the NTE152 should be pretty easy to find and be pretty cheap.
there is another 1419 on the power supply board, its TR302 and i like to replace this one also. i usually attach it to the power supply heatsink and run wires to the board, but thats just me.
i also like to up the value of the main filter caps, just to give the radio more breathing room.
C304 on the power supply board is a 3300uF 35v cap and i like to use at least 4700 if not 6800, depending on what i can find.
do not use a 16 volt cap as this cap sees about 18 volts from the bridge rectifier.
i always use either a 35v or a 50v part, whichever is available.
i also upgrade C134, the filter cap on the main PC board to a 2200 or 3300uF 25v cap.
these cap changes are just things i do because im that way, but i do believe that it benefits the overall operation of the radio.
to what extent is debatable.
oh yeah, one more place to look for a modulation mod is just to the left of where the AM reg (1419) is mounted.
find R228 and see if someone has put a small silicon rectifier diode in series with it.
this is sometimes called a "swing mod" as it allows the radio to get full swing from a reduced carrier.
well, thats it for now, im sure there is more that im forgetting,