Blue lighting is white trash, now, huh?
I'll take it, I guess. It fits with my truck driving lifestyle. Plus, I can add it to my other Redneck credentials, such as the time that I lived in a 1978 Itasca motorhome, that I parked in Walmarts parking lot, or the time that I got tattooed in an old farm house in the country, while smoking Marbs, and drinking Jack.
I prefer the blue lighting (and use it), myself. As the night-shift half of my driving team, I find that I can focus in, most rapidly, to the blue lighting, which put my eyes back on the road more quickly. It's also the least distracting, to me. Yeah, scientific theory may state otherwise, but in practice, according to my own eyes, and their interface with my brain, the scientific theory is wrong. Others may find red to be best, while some prefer green, or amber, or whatever. Go with whatever you find practical.
The cool thing with the multi-color lighting choices, is that you have a choice of colors. Don't like blue? Hey, you're not stuck with it. Choose the green, or the purple. Whatever; it's your radio. And, if you sell it later, the guy who buys it isn't stuck with pink lights; he can toggle it over to red, if he wants.
I don't quite understand the frustration over what OTHER people choose to do with THEIR radio.
Incidentally, I also get the need to personalize and customize. I can't leave anything bone stock, myself. I tinker with stuff, and modify for reasons both practical and cosmetic. And, I am tacky in my aesthetics and cosmetics. When it comes to style, Elvis is my role model.