Yep; first adjust the driver bias and the final bias in USB mode with the mic gain set at zero.
Set bias to factory specs 35mA for the driver and 50mA for the final.
Have the radio hooked up to a watt meter and a dummy load.
Use a 1khz tone into a Silver Eagle mic about a foot from the speaker producing that tone, but I first turn the mic gain down to zero first. Then I start the 1khz tone, key the mic, and turn the mic gain knob up on the radio until I see the watt meter read just 10 watts. Radio is still in USB mode on ch 20.
Start with the first TX (L47) can and turn it until I see it rise or fall; then turn it until it goes as high as it can.
Unkey the mic and let the radio cool for 30 seconds or so after tuning each coil. Next can (L48) is done the same way. Do the next two cans the same way (L46 & L45) as well. Then tune L38 lastly -
You should see about 12-14 watts on the meter from the 10 watts you started with. It is important to remember to let the radio cool off between each TX can being peaked because it will stress the final and driver.
DO not adjust L36 - leave it alone!!!
That coil requires a Spectrum Analyzer to adjust; so forget about it (unless you have $3k to buy one). You will only untune the 54mhz trap circuit, and you won't want to do that. It will only mess up the transmit harmonics for the worse - if you do . . .