My ears just perked up!
Everybody and their dog says the KL amps can only handle 1.5 watts or they blow up. Am guessing an out-of-the-box 980 does 3.5.
Slowmover, what’s the story with your setup? It could mean a boatload of new 980 and KL203 buyers. Me included.
I’ve reported before that I’ve run the KL203 I own with Uniden 880 & 980 without issue. Radios untouched.
I respect the advice to match the pair by turning down the radios from where the factory set them.
But the problem of those of us without the know-how to do this is having to trust an unknown tech. Likely, advice on a tech from this site would work. Just add shipping X2 plus expertise $.
Thus my advice (fellow truck drivers) is to keep costs low and performance a high baseline with:
1). Uniden AM/SSB Model 980 straight from the box
2). RM ITALY KL- 203 baby amp
CB & 10-meter radios lack, and that’s digital signal processing of the audio.
The above is roughly $400 with appropriate mike upgrades, an antenna plus miscellaneous.
IMO, better performance than a Golden Screwdriver $500 radio
Find the Harbor Freight APACHE-brand pick/pluck foam-filled transport case large enough to hold all of the above (the
complete mobile rig sans antenna (for that build a transport case from called PVC tubing), and one has a do-it-all rig ready for mobile.
The transport cases are where most fall short in putting together a package. But moving radio gear in and out of vehicles is where damage is most likely to occur. And it’s ideal to use for sending that gear to a shop. Or as a gift to someone.
I don’t consider this a debate on merit, but on price vs performance. It’s a radio with high marks in reliability and value, coupled to DSP which brings out the best in it (any mobile radio would benefit).
Is a Stryker 955 a better radio? Probably. But against the above one will be close to $600 poorer. Versus $325 for 980 & ClrSpkr alone. For less than the $600 outlay one will have a complete system.
For mobile, this same rig — radio, amp & speaker — will run off of a big truck 15A supplied CB radio circuit.
A 980 with a 70W amp is “enough” to get out. With the CkrSpkr, one can now hear around the noise so well that conversations previously hidden are now fully legible.
Sure, a poor antenna
system isn’t cured. Nor is all vehicle noise, etc.
But you’ve more money available to spend where best results can be obtained in optimizing a vehicle.
Save the big radio for another day. Get on the air, and track down any problems. Come that future you’ve always an outstanding backup at hand.
Are the radios I own a fluke (880, 885, 980)? Maybe not set to 4W by factory. Is my KL203 exceptionally hardy? It’s been dropped more than once here in the truck.
Would it be best to match the pair? That’s my
eventual plan. Hasn’t mattered up till now (knock on wood).
A 980 with 203 is a straight from the box 70W AM/SSB rig for $200
is my experience. Add the ClrSpkr and it’s better than a comparable $525 radio.
But that’s not expertise. It’s called “get on the air” with minimal headache.