One more thing, a really little thing, I have noticed about this particular radio. When squelched Rx, any mode, any volume setting, I can faintly hear some clock/counter noise. The volume knob will make it a little louder, but you have to crank it up. Unhooking the power to the fc module removes it completely.
The noise is continuous and regular, reoccurring in precise intervals. I feel some noise is feeding back from the counter power into the rest of the radio.
As far as I can tell, it isn't being transmitted with tx, on the scope output carrier is perfectly flat with no mod, no indication of noise. I think I will probe the power and see if I can find where it leads.
I don't recall hearing it before the tsb was done, but it may have been and I just didn't notice.
Maybe I can get a sample to upload here.
Edited to add audio file and more info.
I also removed any corrosion from the grounding points on the fc during the tsb. Sounds kinda like a clocking frequency getting out. Maybe I missed something doing the recap and tsb on the fc.