Running fixed values - not knowing how it handles - SSB drive without some form of a variable to control or fine trim the Gate - the main issue here is did you set by voltage then run by watts (AM Power setting) or did you go the mA route?
I guess once you put the thing in, it does work, but your results may favor one mode over another.
Usually in "fixed" modes, unless the Biasing is just right, you're stuck mostly in Class C - for too much Biasing the SSB side will "latch" and too little - it' cuts off. In this scenario, in your effort, I presume you're running, injecting - voltage off the 8V TX - which is regulated and is not exactly at 8 volts - it can be "dropped" down thru several means - including using the current limiting resistors like the 150 ohm and 220ohm since they're present as a means from the Bipolars Base trimming, to start the dropping process then let the divider do the rest.
At least if you haven't tried, I just gave you several which to try...