The MB8179 has a 192 channel capability. My method requires you to change out the loop mixer crystal, but only 1 crystal is needed to achieve the full 192 channels. However the TX and RX can't be broadbanded enough allow full coverage, but would be plenty wide enough to get more of the lowers if you so desire.
Change out the 11.325 mixing crystal, and install an 11.1125 mixing crystal in its place. Now, with that crystal in place, with the standard PLL modification, you'll get 26.175-27.445. The way to get uppers from there, is to take pin 10 of the PLL and tie it to pin 17. This pin has approximately 1/2 of the PLL control voltage present. Putting pin 10 to pin 17 will get you 27.605-28.045, another bank of 40.
Sometimes you can just jump a wire directly over, sometimes you can't. If you don't get 27.605-28.045 with just the wire, then you have to install a 1N4148 switching diode inline, cathode (banded side) goes to pin 17, anode side goes to pin 10. When you confirm that you can get 27.605-28.045, you can wire this jump to a SPST switch, and toggle it from there.
Give this a try, let us know how you get on.