I haven't decided what I will do yet. I almost never us rf gain, but I would prefer to have the variable power either on the back, or a locking pot. I went ahead and ran it to the rf gain for now, and put the talkback on the channels 9 switch.
What is the 1800 toll free keep alive mod? I have searched a bit and never found anything.
It's a modern version of the 3 diode ultra modulation modification that dates back to the tube days, only it can be applied to the newer transformer modulated radios.
[Only it doesn't work the same way, or produce the same results.]
This mod is not to help the radio become any "louder", but to help keep the carrier from pinching on an already "loud radio" (use imagination for what that is, 105-110% modulation) and hopefully clean it up some. (That's the intent anyway)
Basically the idea is to keep a voltage on one of the rails so the rig cannot crash on the neg. peaks, it works so-so.
It's not an "npc mod" by any stretch but it can help if your trying to go beyond 100% modulation, the negs won't "pinch the carrier" (most times) but the waveform can still come out distorted/sloppy.
Here is the link.
(I had better results on a 29, also this mod works fine with a TIP120 style variable RF output mod)
{You can easily lower the carrier on a TIP120 variable mod too far and watch the Neg peaks crash, this helps to stop that from happening as easily, whether the radio is actually cleaner on a spectrum analyzer I cannot tell you}
Between the slug at the final and the AMC adjustment, you can almost get the TIP120 mod to be clean at the lower carrier settings without getting a bunch of swing like a poorly tuned "comp radio" will produce. I think the resistor to ground leaves some room for the radio to "swing" even when the knob is turned all they way up, this is a bad thing in my mind. IMHO the TIP120 variable works, but it's tricky to not create a "comp tune" scenario. (this is a bad thing trust me)
Try the 33uF @ C91 compare your results to the factory value, or go for a 47uF if you are not going to do the Goldfinger mod. This one cap affects the AMC more than I thought it would.