dyslexics untie!
I can see something like this on the antique roadshow.. dynascan cobra 26 blah blah ... worth 10mil Lmao! Cought my attention over the phone before seeing it.. old lady..coba 26 on the front, coba 29a on back" Thaz how she said it
dyslexics untie!
from what i gather on google they were a cobra 29a that was stipped down to the essentials to sell for a more economical price (the 29a was $180 way back when). they were produced for a few years untill the solid state rigs were produced.
if im not mistaken they were the father to the 21x models.
am power is l7 and l8, modulation limiter is d24 (per the old secret cb books)
That 26 is indeed a rare one,reason enough to grab on to it.Theres another one too, a Cobra 29X.Every year,Rutlege,Missouri has a big,I mean big, flea market.It used to be known as a Gun and Dog Auction until somebody got infected with "political correctness".You name it,from soup to nuts,you'll find it.You can walk almost all day and still not see everything.I myself picked up 2 linears,Maco 750 and a Phantom.Anyway, I was walking past some radios, one said Cobra 29X on the front.I should have grabbed it.
A 23 channel radio with bad timing. Introduced when the 40-channel expansion was announced. Discontinued immediately.
Wanna see a wacky one?
Check out the Cobra 28.