trying to setup my first CB base station so I figured I'd come straight to the experts. I have a cobra 29 LTD in my basement, and I ran coax up into my attic, and I strung a 11 meter half wave legth (18ft) dipole up in my attic. I honestly have no idea if this is a good setup or not. I'm still waiting on my SWR meter to show up at the front door, so I don't have one as of yet, but it should be here soon. I guess I have a couple of questions.Has anyone here used the same setup and have any gotchas I should be on the lookout for? Also, this is my first time at this, so even though I have a SWR meter on the way, I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing with it. I did power my radio up, and I noticed the red antenna light came on. I thought that was indicative of a short in the antenna, so I replaced the coax connectors, and can't find any opens or shorts, so is there another reason my red antenna light would be coming on? Any assistance would be greatly appriciated.
Thanks, Peace.
trying to setup my first CB base station so I figured I'd come straight to the experts. I have a cobra 29 LTD in my basement, and I ran coax up into my attic, and I strung a 11 meter half wave legth (18ft) dipole up in my attic. I honestly have no idea if this is a good setup or not. I'm still waiting on my SWR meter to show up at the front door, so I don't have one as of yet, but it should be here soon. I guess I have a couple of questions.Has anyone here used the same setup and have any gotchas I should be on the lookout for? Also, this is my first time at this, so even though I have a SWR meter on the way, I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing with it. I did power my radio up, and I noticed the red antenna light came on. I thought that was indicative of a short in the antenna, so I replaced the coax connectors, and can't find any opens or shorts, so is there another reason my red antenna light would be coming on? Any assistance would be greatly appriciated.
Thanks, Peace.