Tr23 - main Regulator...
R117 - Bright / Dim dropping resistor - works with TR22 - so R117 SUPPLIES power thru TR22 for the Bright and Dim function.
TR23 supplies regulated power to many sections - including the 5 volts PLL regulation and the 10.240MHz Delta Tune and the SWR ANT warn light.
Since it covers a large area of traces - any spots causing this heating problem? Else some heat is normal - but tarnishing silver and the smell of hot electric, is not...
Best way to look for this is to put a meter on the power input to the radio and adjust volume, squelch, Bright Dim - various functions and watch the meter to see if a section, when it comes up powered, makes the meter climb drastically.
Since you've found one old cap questionable, this radio may have seem a spike in voltage and or current to the power leads into the radio - this may indicate a problem with age and or power reversal. So caps may still be in the cards as far as needing replacement.