Thanks guys. Actually I just re upped last week for my last go round. I would have ETS' d 25Mar but I signed on for another 6 that will take me out past my 20. I'm not pissed, I'm actually enjoying the negativity more than anything. I completely understand the frustration on the noise toys and all the cartoon antics which is why I want the option to turn it off. I've heard that guy with the huge boom box blasting the air waves bleeding over 20 channels in either direction who has his echo turned up so loud you can't understand him, the guy that has his night gown on and going to bed, and of course the guys that ain't got no panties on. I'm entitled to my opinion and have the right to set up my radio any way I like and in my opinion a hint of echo can make the radio sound nice and full. In my opinion when talking to a distant station, the Roger beep can help to make the conversion easier. Of course it's my opinion only and I'm sure everyone who hates these things has a reason for their opinion and I respect that. I will not insult someone for having an opinion because I Don't agree with it. This is a hobby, just something to have fun with. I'm not one of these guys who hides behind a radio or behind an internet forum to insult people. There are just as many that like using a Roger beep as there are who don't. For a man to insult a bunch of people just because of difference of opinion is just ignorant and I will voice my opinion for the sake of others as well as my own. I agree, Roger beeps can be annoying to some and not so annoying to others but they do have their place and every radio I've ever seen had a channel sector and an off switch if that's just too much for people to handle. I both pity and laugh at the idiot who feels the need to insult people because Roger beeps are retarded in his opinion along with his good buddy, the ass clown that accepts that opinion as fact. I'll be back on later, it's Saturday and I got a box full of radios to play with.
360 out. ....*BEEP!*