IM starting to think that nobody reads the threads around here before they post there comments ? 101 ......Nomad said .....Put the wire jumper back, or a new wire in its place.
Odds are this will give you all the radio has to offer on transmit, without changing anything else. Unless they also had you remove or jump around the black plastic rectifier across the circuit board from the final transistor. That jumper should come back off, if this was done. If they told you to pull the diode, put it back. Not the tiny glass one, the larger black epoxy plastic one. Hmmmmm. Now that's a web page somebody (else) should put up. "How to remove the Bling Mod from your Cobra 29/ Uniden PC76/78."
The radio will now show between 5 and 6 Watts of carrier power. Too much to use with most amplifiers, but perfectly legit for running barefoot. And louder to boot, for anyone out there in the distance. Another radio across the parking lot may not show you a big difference that you can tell.
Nothing quite like doing the before-and-after comparison yourself. Makes the result easier to believe, ususally........I would agree with what he said there ......Also ......this is truly a mess here for my brain ......101 DOES NOT EVEN HAVE A METER GUYS !!!! .......Real simple here 101 .....take all the parts out that you put in other words the cap/resistor can leave the 1969 final if you want to's just a stronger final all should work out the way it was in the beginning as long as you didn't twist or tweak any pots or coils or cans in the radio ? .....Good Luck dude.