Does it help to put inquiring minds at ease to know, when the guy about a year checked my SWR he used one of these.
and that is how he knew or felt the stinger/whip should be longer.
Ok so I have taking 3/4 off the top(a 1/4 at a time) and my reading is now:
Ch 01 - sitting right on the 2
ch 20 - sitting right on the 2
Ch 40 - right above the 2
Now I know there is everyone's' opinions on the accuracy of the built in meter. I feel that the CB I have has not been tweaked in a bad way, that said I feel I can trust the close to accurate reading. . . Sorry thinking out loud.
My question is should I continue to trim a 1/4 at a time or stop and wait till I can purchase an external SWR.
Thanks! Josh
Here is another bit of info I remembered. Forgive me it was about a year ago.
Ok the thing is he was checking my SWR on a radioshack CB that I had installed previous to my now Cobra.
So does that matter or is the SWR solely for setting the SWR to the antenna and not the radio??
HAHAHA, I believe it!oh, and welcome to the wonderful world of CB, which stands for Constantly Buying or Constantly Broke. LOL take your pick.
he has the lil wil that needs a 36" whip, which is what he put back on it and is working well.
i think he had a 62" whip from a 1000 or 5000 on there before.
radios are all 50 ohms out, unless someone has really screwed it up inside, so once an antenna is tuned with one radio, it should work for all your other radios.
oh, and welcome to the wonderful world of CB, which stands for Constantly Buying or Constantly Broke. LOL take your pick.