Anybody got one of the new chrome 29's yet? If so, are they as good as the others/older 29's? Thinkin about one for the wifes Ranger. Cheap Radio Shack I have now don't have much in the way of noise cancelling on it.

SkipJunky said:I just put echo in one for a friend, I like the blue lights and the black face. The chrome covers I could care less about, and the variable talkback is not great but it works.
Cat Driver said:SkipJunky said:I just put echo in one for a friend, I like the blue lights and the black face. The chrome covers I could care less about, and the variable talkback is not great but it works.
Maybe I oughta just stick with the plain one, I like the blue an black, but can take it or leave it on the chrome part. I'm just trying to get something that has a better noise blanker for my wifes ranger pickup. Damn fuel pump noise :evil:
how do you have this hooked up???Cat Driver said:I'm open to all suggestions guys....... $150 or less