Hello everyone, Glad to be here! I live near San Francisco and got interested in Ham Radio for the main purpose of communicating during a natural disaster, which means Earthquakes around here. Like most folks my number one priority is my family and their safety. My thought process is simple the big one hits and the first thing I want to do is make sure everyone is okay. Telephones are out, CB I’m pretty sure is going to be chaos, Personal locator will show where you are but what use is it if there’s no phone or Internet. There is the SPOT messenger personal locator but again it relies on the phone, Internet. So I thought perhaps ham is the way to go. The only draw back I can see is okay I got my license but what about the rest of the family what’s the point of me having a license if they don’t. I decided to get my license anyway, my feeling is at the least it’s better then nothing and perhaps I'll be able to come up with something. I’d really like some thoughts on this matter and if someone has some other ideas or options. I hope the day never comes but I’m preparing for the worst.