Does anyone make/sell a radio that covers CB bands and also 10m or other spectra if I get a HAM license later on?
Yes, there are radios on the market called "export radios". They're also known as Connex 3300/4300/4400/4600, Stryker 440/490, Magnum S-3/S-6/S-9/S-175/S-45HP/257/257HP, General Lee/Longstreet/AP Hill....however be advised most of these are useless on 10 meters as many (but not all) of them don't have SSB, none of them have a full VFO and they're illegal for use on the 11 meter citizens band (CB) because they exceed the "4 watt/40 frequency" rule imposed by the FCC. In fact any of those CB looking radios with a "band" switch are exports. Now are you in trouble if you use one? You can be if you get caught, but even still, they're not really designed to be used on 10 meters, the manufacturers just do that to skirt around the FCC rules, because 99% of the CB crowd is after more power and more frequencies.
So I did some research based on your posts and if I went with Technician amatur license, what band would I target for my purposes -- 10 meter? -- and kind of range could I expect when the sun is not active? And who would answer -- do I just keep cq'ing until I get some guy in whatever-ville and give him my lat-long for an off-road wrecker, or would I expect someone in the same state to reply? Is there a standard SOS/Channel 9 equivelent? I could probably pass the Technician Class test with a class and some study, but then I'd get what band radio what and expect what capabilities? Given the cost and the time this is where the sat phone starts to look good -- I don't see myself driving around and chatting up people on 10 meter, but I may be off-base here. I'm flexible!
Your best bet, would be to get your technicians license and use the local 2 meter/70 cm repeaters. The way it works, is 2 meters and 70 cm are your "local" contacts. The repeaters are a God send. The repeaters will allow you to talk locally for anywhere from 25 to 50 miles. Get you a repeater directory and keep it in your glove box. Then program as many repeaters as you can get into, into your radio. That way you increase your chances of calling for help in an emergency.
10 meters on the other hand, is not good for local contacts. in fact 10 meters is a DX band, or a band used to communicate long distances. Like someone said, by using 10 meters for an emergency, you might get a hold of a guy out of state. Also 10 meters is not open all the time so your chances of making a distress contact on 10 meters are even more slim.
As to what radio to get....well first you need to find out what repeater frequencies are active in your area and then get a radio that works with them. If all you have is 70 cm and not 2 M then don't buy just a 2 M radio. Or buy a radio that has dual bands. I personally run a Yaesu FT7900R in my 4X4 truck since in my area, 2 M and 70 CM are both active. The FT7900R will set you back $300 and some change but it's smaller than most CB's, the face comes off as to mount it on your dash and stow the body under the seat, plus it has 50 legal watts on 2 M/45 legal watts on 70 CM. I can hit repeaters up to 30 miles easily using a shitty Tram 1180 antenna on the roof.
If you have to do a distress call on a repeater, call "this is (your call sign) break for emergency traffic". If any ham is listening, he'll probably be more than happy to assist you.
Of course I also run some sort of CB in the truck for those who have just a CB. I personally run a 108 whip from MFJ. If you don't know, the 108 is like a 102 whip but you don't need the spring. This antenna will take a beating and keep going. I have smacked tree branches, bank canopies, the drive thru at Mc Donalds, you name it, and this antenna just bends back and then returns to shape. Yes it is durable as hell plus it lets me hear AND talk farther than literally any other mobile antenna. You can get one for $26 plus shipping from MFJ. It's the best bang for the buck and you can throw as much power as you want to at it w/o damaging it. When it comes to CB antennas, height is might and this antenna is no exception.
Back to CB antenna selection, are the HotStik hood/fender antennas useful in this application, or do I need to get a taller antenna and mount it on the front winch bumper?
If I got an amp, can I switch it off and talk straight thru it with no VDC power to the amp at legal CB power, or would I have bypass the amp and put a double female union in the coax? Or is it either you always use the amp or never?
In this day and age (hey, it's not 1978 anymore!) how to I find a quality radio tech and shop that won't jack up my radio and can balance the system -- you know, like an engineer would? I'm no longer qualified to assess a technician's skill... I'm in central Colorado, or could do mail order but still need the install...
Mount your antenna on the roof if you possibly can. Remember height is might. That's why a 102 whip works best. Mount it on the roof so you can get it as high as you can.
Yes you can turn off the amp and talk thru it. When off, the radio functions normally, or should. You should only use the amp when needed, but many people today use amps just to talk across the truck stop parking lot. They're not needed but on CB people often don't give two shits less about if they're bleeding over on someones speakers or cutting the lips off on the guy who doesn't have an amp.
Finding a good radio shop is tough. Word of mouth is the best bet, but take it with a grain of salt. All too often CB shops anymore butcher up radios to make them swing big watts on the "feel good" meter, in an attempt to bilk the unknowing out of their hard earned cash. It's about the same when a woman takes her car in for an oil change, but the mechanic smears oil on the oil pan, tells her it has a major oil leak that is going to cost $500 to fix, then after she agrees to let him fix the leak, all he does is wipe off the oil. Easy $500 for him. (yes this is a true story)