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rfoverlord said:
:? who are we congradulating? well anyone who took the test and made it, great job!! 73

well he knows who he is

if he wants to associate his CDX number with his ham call thats entirely his decision and not mine

:D Airplane 1 !! i see said the blind man congrats!! and welcome to the fraternal order of for ever buying gadgets and wire(which you can never have enough of) and good luck on the general when you get to it. 73 :D :D
I got my call now, just three days till it was listed.

congrats Scooter, check the fcc database it might be there. mine showed there before qrz site.
Thanks Ron, I have to wait till my 2 meter antenna comes and then get it set up. I forgot I need a swr meter so I need to order that too. I do go on 10 meter though, 28.400 usb and mad 2 contacts yesterday. My maco is not tuned for 10 meter but it works for now.

Hope to hear you on Ron,

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