I've been slowly working my way around the foil side trying to get the solder blobs and balls fixed, and making sure there are no shorts anywhere. Whoever worked on this thing didn't quite have their soldering skills down.
In that second photo, left side, that is the top-left corner of my foil side photo from earlier. Note the clear substance all over that corner. Someone installed two jumpers there, and I can see the traces to that area lifting from the PCB. Not sure what happened there, but when they were done "repairing" it, they dumped some sort of adhesive/glue all over it. Thanks for that one, previous repair guy.
In that second photo, left side, that is the top-left corner of my foil side photo from earlier. Note the clear substance all over that corner. Someone installed two jumpers there, and I can see the traces to that area lifting from the PCB. Not sure what happened there, but when they were done "repairing" it, they dumped some sort of adhesive/glue all over it. Thanks for that one, previous repair guy.