remarkable ! this reminds me of the guy who got his brand new shiney S-9 a few years back in my area .....(Remember what a big deal those were with others ?) before that he was running a Galaxy 99 , here's the thing , he was not as loud and proud on his S-9 as he was on his G-99 no matter how high he turned it up ? .....but here tell they are the exact same radios ? Hmmmm ? and he's had the same tech for years. I personally don't give a ratts a$$ that they are the same boarded radio's or not , his 99 was a lot louder then his brand new pretty S-9 .....and I wasn't the only one to tell him that , many of us do have ears on our heads. Different strokes for different folks I suppose. Look guys ,IM not putting down anyones radios here , but in this business ,guys have to sell radios to make money and it's the same with amps on the shelves at the stores (no matter how good or bad they are) Do you think the sellers going to say to the buyer that I really don't think you should get this one ?(radio or amp) Hell No !!! yeah sure performance is one thing ,greenbacks in the pocket are another. Alls one really can do for themselves is to weigh out the pros and cons about anything and make a decision for themselves , or buy it and find out there after. It must be nice to have a lot of money to spend and have plenty left over there after . I bet if you took a poll on all these guys using 10 meter / export radios , most of them are on good ole cb radio !! 95Ts 93Ts and all the rest of these high dollar radios some times just don't make any sence to me at all ? 500 dollar radios on 5 dollar frequancies !! my personal radio guy gets more of those radios back on warrenties then most , oh ! along with high dollar RF Limited / Magnum high dollar pieces of garbage. what a damned waste !! but hey !! it's certainly money in his pocket huh ? (-: It's just my personal opinion , You want a good working CB Radio for the 11 meter band ? sure don't need those buckets of constintley needing repairs for one thing or the other type radios that weren't even made for the 11 meter band in the first place bouncing around on somebodies dash board. Yeah sure , I hear and read good things about alot of the radios I just mentioned,but weather or not you want to hear it or not , to many of them come back for warrenty work all the time , that in its self should tell you something ? They still make decent AM/SSB CB radio only radios that will do just as well or even better then there high dollar counter parts. you do not always get what you pay for guys,you may think you do ,but your wrong ,and if your happy about it ? then thats all that really matters in the end , because this is just Switch Kit's opinion. You want a good performing CB Radio for the 11 meter band ? I have a 148GTL 1990 Phillipines made in the Swap section of this forum I can pretty much garrenty that one would not be dissapointed with it. OH hay !! That was just a sales pitch . That's what all this stuff seems to be in one shape or the other ....opinions and reviews from others ,like advertising and commercials on TV ......yeap !! it's all about those mighty greenbacks and selling ones product ,no matter how good or bad that there products may be ?. Money Money Money .......Auh yes !! They say ....."The Root Of All Evil" Please don't mind me much must have been those pinto beans I ate last might. Peace