what kind of transformer are we talking about in nominal value?
You are going to have to parallel several Transformers to get 300 Amps DC.
Most of the X/dave/fatboy Transistor Base Supply's are running 75 Amp Transformers.
You need 6 to get 300 amps, and it would be better if you use 7 or 8 to overbuild and give yourself headroom.
You do not have to over build....but I would rather have more than I need than pushing things.
At least 12 or 14 full wave bridge rectifier`s mounted on heat sinks.
A hand full of Big Filter caps to smooth things out.
Regulator circuity, Pass transistors, More heat-sinks, Fans to keep it all cool.
Oh and a 220 volt line in the shack to supply the primary's.
There is a reason that these guys are charging upwards of $1600 dollars for heavy 300 amp power supply's, and most of them are not even regulated!
They "float at about 18/19 volts and then pull down to 13 to 16 volts when loaded....depending on the size of the load.
Fat Boy Sells a 300 Amp Supply with a Big Iron Peter Dahl Transformer in it, runs on 220 Volts, is NOT regulated and draws around 25 Amps AC.
That is what they recommend to run a 16 pill and it cost`s over $1500 Bucks.
The " budget" 300 Amp supply with Stacked 75 Amp Transformers will only run you about $1000 bucks.
This is why you hit a break point with Bi polar transistors were it is much better $$$ wise to go with tubes.....or start looking at devices that run at much higher voltages.
If you are gonna spend $1500 bucks for a 16 pill mobile amp, and another $ $1600 on a supply, you could find a nice amp running a couple of 3-500Z`s or a 3cx1500 sitting on the bench and still have beer money.