@Needle Bender:...With this, here:
"In case the 7 feet of 75%VF or so 75Ω, times 2 = ~13.5' isn't long enough to reach the T, you can place identical lengths of 50Ω from each antenna mount to it's respective 75Ω attached to it's side of the T."
Are you saying that I should have 7' feet of RG59 running from each antenna to a T? I'm guessing that you used the "velocity factor" formula that you mentioned, but I don't quite see the math. In the way of coax, I have a Firestik Fire-Flex K-9A co-phase harness (each lead being 18') that I could easily shorten, if need be. I don't know what the velocity factor is, though, and the website doesn't say, either. The website DID mention that the coax was 72ohm, as opposed to 75ohm, if that makes a difference.
I appreciate the insight
An ELECTRICAL 1/4 wavelength of 75Ω coax acts as an impedance matching transformer so that if you give it a 50Ω load or impedance at one end, you should see about 100Ω at the other end.
If you add one to each of two 50Ω antennas, you'll end up with two 100Ω loads or, effectively, two 100Ω antennas.
If you parallel 2 identical resistances or impedances, you end up with one resistance/impedance of 1/2 the value of each.
Two 100Ω antennas in parallel = a single 50Ω load to your radio.
The velocity factor is the speed of radio wave propagation through the medium of dielectric.
Through air RF energy travels basically full speed (the speed of light) but through a solid medium (such as polyethylene foam) the RF energy is slowed (permittivity) and can only cover a smaller percentage of the normal distance in the same amount of time, hence a NINE FOOT 1/4 wave in air being only SIX FEET long inside of 66% VF coax.
PS. The 75Ω 1/4 waves should be at the T not at the antennas if you need to add a set of lengths of 50Ω coax to reach the T.