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There’s no telling what countries like China are doing with the development of biological weapons.

But...in this case I don’t think that’s it.

The whole live animals at the food market deal, and considering what they eat, I think that’s the most plausible explanation.

I’m not even critical of what they eat; I truly couldn’t care less. Maybe bat soup is great...haha. And I know it’s a cultural thing to have food as fresh as possible...but when you mix it all together in a crowded market with that likely has little sanitation or regulation and I think it’s a recipe for disaster.
China Blames ‘Xenophobia’ and ‘White Supremacist Racism’ for Coronavirus Fears


Read how a socialist country that can't control outbreak manufactured by biological unit detracts by stating US does not provide govt run healthcare. Their govt run healthcare is so good? :confused:

46 portable incinerators have been placed with markings for burning garbage and animal carcasses. Now that's good healthcare.
Now this is beer! Can't find it up here.
I'm sure that China is infecting all of their products with the corona virus. Just like what was done to the Indians with small pox infected blankets.
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[] Regular flus kill many more than Corona virus has killed.
Both are spread by sharing utensils, hand shaking, coughing, sneezing, and spitting on someone while talking.
The only difference so far is that Corona is capable of being airborne spread. All of the above methods of spreading except sharing utensil and shaking hands are projectile methods. Airborne is experienced when someone introduces the virus by projectile method and it attaches to microscopic molecules in the air and survives to get into another person who breathes them.

The alarm has sounded because it is new to humans, and there is no vaccine for it, yet. Also it has a long dormant gestation period before symptoms appear.

There is no cure for any flu, nor for CoVid-19, although some anti-viral may reduce the intensity and duration of flu. They are trying to come up with an effective anti viral for this one... fingers crossed.

Flu has easily detectable symptoms, some people with CoVid-19 may have no symptoms at all, or react quite mildly, so the spread of it is pretty much a given.

Some interesting numbers as of yesterday:

[] Regular flus kill many more than Corona virus has killed.
Both are spread by sharing utensils, hand shaking, coughing, sneezing, and spitting on someone while talking.
The only difference so far is that Corona is capable of being airborne spread. All of the above methods of spreading except sharing utensil and shaking hands are projectile methods. Airborne is experienced when someone introduces the virus by projectile method and it attaches to microscopic molecules in the air and survives to get into another person who breathes them.

The alarm has sounded because it is new to humans, and there is no vaccine for it, yet. Also it has a long dormant gestation period before symptoms appear.

There is no cure for any flu, nor for CoVid-19, although some anti-viral may reduce the intensity and duration of flu. They are trying to come up with an effective anti viral for this one... fingers crossed.

Flu has easily detectable symptoms, some people with CoVid-19 may have no symptoms at all, or react quite mildly, so the spread of it is pretty much a given.

Some interesting numbers as of yesterday:

View attachment 34742

Yes homer. Glad you posted that. The media hype has driven hysteria. The stock market has fallen due to media.

This is playing out like a Psy Ops out of a Tom Clancy novel. RIP Tom!
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You're right Redbeard seen on Fox news this morning Dems blame Trump for the Coronavirus . I guess he sneezed on a Chinamen somewhere :ROFLMAO:
Yes, they are out of ammo and barely above water, desperately trying to discredit Trump. But obviously, media doesn't credit any truth to Trump, only credits liberal lies in an echo chamber.

Trump was the one that shut down travel from China, and Dems bitched about hurting market. Dems would rather America get sick rather than try to stop the spread. Now after liberal left wingnuts in media twist things, it will be Trumps fault.

I don't trust the lame stream media, the lies, the leftist propaganda. But I do watch evening news, notice the bias and obviously missing information, then I find more about the issue by digging.
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