If you've ever owned your own business; then you realize a stake here.
If you had to pay taxes, you have realized a stake here.
If you ever served in the military, you realize a stake here.
If you ever sent your kids to school, you have realized a stake here.
Just because people don't understand something; they fear it. They don't understand the country, even though they might have even gone to college. Seems to be more the rule than the exception from what I can gather. Teachers have their unions that protect their position and cannot be fired, now that is something that should be changed because of outright incompetence and bias.
Those in the college fraternity/sorority groups get there by the status of that group and their stature in school. It is the opposite of 'Animal House'. People with lots of money try to buy their kids to the top by bribery. Clintons did that with Chelsea and no one said a word, as an example. Stanford graduate and top sorority. Felicity Huffman, and Lori Loughlin are two examples that got caught while Elizabeth Warren got away with it.
Does it mean they are better students or smarter? Only if they have applied themselves and have the grades to back them do they have a shot at the top. Don't think so? What about Dr. Ben Carson, and many, many others?