Dealer - if you do wind a choke for keeping RF off the outside of the shield, you might want to keep the diameter fairly large. A good rule of thumb is to shoot for a bend radius of 10x-12x the cable diameter. For RG8, which has an OD of 0.405", that would be a 4" radius, or an 8" diameter. In hot weather, if you flex a piece of coax too sharply, the center conductor can migrate right through the dielectric and contact the shield. This is generally considered ungood. Keep it loose!
The choke is at the antenna end, wound appx. 5 1/2 inch I.D. using RG8X.
I left about 20 to 24 inch length to hang it under the 4 to 1 balun using
a messenger line at that junction.
Feedline to start with is 100ft. RG8X and brings up another question..
Will I need to consider these chokes as added length to the feed line ?
Guess I need to do some calculations of V factor on that one, however not sure
what frequency to figure since it is more than a one band antenna.
Dont want to get feed line at a No No length.
Spoon feeding is not necessary..
I hear get ready for work calling
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