If you see items with hugely inflated prices on Ebay, you can report the item to the trust and safety division of ebay. They especially like to be alerted to really cheap prices on items with huge shipping fees.
If a seller uses foul or threatening language in official ebay messaging, you can also report that and they will penalize the seller. Just don't act like an ass yourself.
If you get hosed on a deal, open an PayPal dispute chances are you may win your money back.
I have been hosed 9 times and in all cases I got my money back. My first win was with the famous Radio-Mart.
The guy changed his ID this morning to my call sign. Hey guess I can benefit from his feedback.
Sent from Outerspace, on the DarkSide of X.
Thats intimidation, I would report that tool. They will probably close his account. Unless you've been messing with him also. I wouldn't tolerate that tool using my callsign. Did you mention your callsign in any messaging with him?
You'll probably both be sanctioned, but he will fare far worse than you for using your call sign as his new seller ID.
Just send a link to Ebay showing your name matches the FCC database. I bet his seller ID will be changed quickly, if not terminated.
Guy sounds unstable.
He changed his ID to bigjch19 must be a mudduck with a ticket haha
Sent from Outerspace, on the DarkSide of X.
You called him na a-hole in your question and your call sign is now posted on eBay on the auction page itself! It's public now. Ooops. Your're both gonna get banned. Is it worth it?
"Q: excuse me ? my call is k6dea im going to make sure ur mouth ur auction is removed. ur a idiot. and hro and ham city sell this mew for 130$ asshole.
A: Why yes you are. I take that as a compliment from some one like you.have a nice day Adam Henry......."