No time to go thru all these Posts. tie point
1 Warrior
7x Phantom's & PDX400 in my collection.
Big problem with all of them.
1) The main load air variable condenser or capacitor. It is an AM/FM air variable.
Receiving air cap ? This gremlin Hv Arcing in this component reared its ugly head.
Repeatedly. In my Phantom to Warrior conversion. Went thru 3 of these. Could be a
post in itself. Solved it by using two. Transmitting A.V.C. With slightly larger spacing.
between the tuning plates.
2) Underneath chassis.
For reasons unknown to me. gues. Is dust buildup, rust thru the paint ?
Arcing starts from a soldering post to chassis. Once it starts . Tape. Liquid insulation.
Nothing stops it at that spot. Only solution. Is to move that hand wired post to a new
underneath the chassis. I surmise. That carbon buildup on the chassis where it arced
creates this problem. One last thought. If the main RF Tank coil is severely out of
"Resonance". This will start this arcing process. Every time U change out more than
two tubes in the "Finals". 8. Unless you have ORIGINAL marked D&A 6MJ6 .
The Final RF Tank Coil. Must be re-tuned. Or replaced completely.
Link to Phantom Promotion To Warrior. Might be of help. Maybe tonight will post
the new pics and Mods to this ongoing project. Yup. the Phantom image has a strong
back light. OEM Green !!!!