A consistent problem is getting the driver Plate Tune and final Plate Tune both peaked to resonance.
D&A used a control with no end stop for these two controls. The plate cap of each tube, or pin 9 on a baldy driver acts like a capacitor to ground. Those four "parasitic" capacitors are wired in parallel with the Plate Tune control. Doesn't sound like a big deal, but the actual capacitance of each tube can change a lot from one brand of tube to the next. That part of the tube's design had no impact on how the tube performed in a color TV. As a result there was no incentive to control that parameter in any way.
If you measure that plate capacitance for one batch of tubes, it could be a lot more in a different batch. This has the effect of pushing the proper setting of that front-panel knob a half-turn or more past the control's end of travel.
The control will now be "peaked" (or seem to be) with the plates on that control either fully apart, the minimum setting. Or they'll be meshed fully together at max capacitance.
Looks like a "peak" as you turn the knob, but it's just the control running out of range.
A control that's resonant and truly "peaked" will have TWO peaks in one whole turn of the knob. They might be close together, or 180 apart, but if you can identify two peaks in 360 degrees, that circuit is good to go.
And if you see only one peak, the coil attached to that control needs to be adjusted, to bring the peak setting back within the travel of the control.
A control that has only that fake single peak can hold back the power, and cause the tubes to run hotter than is safe for them.