The repeater is working great!
Thanks to Randy, WB0VHB who got the GM300's tuned up, which was the primary problem all along. They were off frequency enough that any D-Star signal could not be decoded. He also fixed the power-on issue - it was a pico fuse that was blown. To top it off, he was kind enough to redo my sloppy wire harness that goes between the radios and the Star*Board.
The repeater is now working on a local test pair, competing with a bunch of other stations running on the same test pair, lol. I'm using the WinDV software and can connect to any Icom or non-Icom reflector! Remote repeater and reflector control is working properly also.
I'm slowly mapping out the HT coverage of this low level repeater, and will share results as I have them.
I'll start a new thread showing off the pics of the repeater and go over the details on how it works. BTW, this Star*Board is really a neat way to get your own D-Star hotspot in place if you already have a VHF/UHF radio.