Just picked up a d201a and was using it for a while seemed to be going alright then just the am recieve dropped to zero. Ssb seems to have a normal amount of noise in the reciever. Seems to have been gone through at one point or another my RadioShack pep Meter Reads about 30w pep on am not as much on ssb however. Not sure what to do with this old Lincoln of a radio. Would love to have it fully operational and on the air on a regular basis. Was offered it and a 201 by a friend who passed and it has sentimental value to me given he was the first person local I chatted with when I entered this hobby. Any help is appreciated. For the moment I'm just dealing with the 201a. Will be picking up the 201 shortly didn't notice whether it was the hardwired model or not. This one says made in Mexico. Any photos I can take to help steer me in the right direction just let me know.