I purchased the 101L and decided to get the mfj 826 B also. The price difference between the 801 hp and the 101 L was $60.
I justified the mfj purchase by deducting the $60 I saved on the off the 101L purchase basically making the 826 $120. I was going to purchase the 826 anyway but not until September.
The frequency counter will make getting the Johnson ranger on frequency much easier then the way I did it back in the day which was spot tunning it. Not to mention it usually would stable out until it was on for about 45 minutes. And had to get it back on frequency every three minutes.
I'm hoping the recap may lower the time period it took to become stable.
The 826 purchase also made me decide to recap the ranger soon snd get it on the air before the fall.
Belive it or not imo the fs 2340 gets just as hot as hot as the ranger and although I only Am once a week if that i.noticed the lack of skip on ssb has made me spend more time on AM then usually.
. I also read e ham reviews on the 101L and all were just as positive as the 801 hp. The seller i bought the meters from also threw in a 110 wall wart for each meter. A savings of $31.
The 101L was out of stock and the seller assured me he'd have it by Thursday and the 826 will be in the sent out tomorrow. i only paid for the mfj until he gets it in
The reviews on the 826 were that it's a very good meter but mfj's factory has poor quality control. I hope the one I get was built on the day the qualify control guy wasn't sleeping.
I'm sure I'm going to be happy with both meters. I used my PayPal account to purchase them and if there's ever a problem with a PayPal purchase. which has happened in the past, Paypal always took care of it if a sellr is uncooperative .
[QUOTE="unit_399, post: 524805,
There are a couple of places on Ebay that have free shipping with good feedback ratings. But, I get the same way when I have researched, have the money, and am ready to buy... arrrrrrgh!