It is a 450sat. It hasn't been modified in any way. If the 110 output is something that can be done without opening the transceiver then maybe it does have higher output.IMHO all the Kenwood HF Mics SUK...most sound like a Screech Owl is behind them
And yes buy an MC60 or 60A you will have RF issues sooner or later...
A Shure 444D is a great mic for a TS450 ( I only owned one for like 13 yrs) also...
A Heil GM V or better is also a great choise.
All the Best
OH PS: If you own a TS-450 SAT and the power has been cranked up past about 110wts on 10/11m...DO NOT use the internal tuner unless you don't like it because it won't be around long anyway...Those are rated at 125 wts PEP...just FYI
I'm thinking a mod like that must be done inside the rig. I'm sure most who do that are like myself chicken banders. This rig came from the original owner who's an older amateur operater who kept his gear in excellent condition. This 450s was barely used and is in like new condition. I'm sending the 450 to my Tec for an alignment and will have him do the general coverage (11 meter) modification. I know it's simple but i don't open stuff. If anything I own needs to be opened for a repair it goes to him. Thanks for that information. I won't be using the at but might in the future and would hate to destroy a perfectly good internal AT. I've read the 450s has an excellent AT. Thanks for your input. Unless someone convinces me other wise it's gonna be the 444d. After 13 years one would've figured out the mic was a bad choice for a particular rig.