"Shield-grounding (for static and
> lightning protection) at the feedpoint will achieve 99% of the
> noise-limiting benefit that a grounded Balun does. The missing 1% is an
> equal loss of signal and noise through the Balun."
"A 1/2 wave horizontal dipole is a "complete"
antenna and has no benefit from radials, but it must be elevated
sufficiently to avoid ground losses. The coax-shield of feedline to a dipole
should still be grounded per above para."
"The horizontal dipole system has a minimum gain of 0 dBi at 51 degrees elevation, while the counterpoise system has a minimum gain of 0 dBi at about 42 degrees of elevation. Alternatively, antenna gain comparisons at all elevation angles show that the counterpoise gain is greater than the dipole system by 2.53 ( 0.05 dB. This demonstrates that the counterpoise is a more effective ground system; the counterpoise reflects more energy into the half-space so less is wasted in the intrinsic ground resistance and more is radiated."
The placement of a counterpoise below a horizontal antenna can improve the antenna efficiency by a reasonable amount. The effect under a horizontal antenna is similar to the effect of elevated ground-planes for vertical antennas (Ref 2). You can measure this effect by observing an increase in field strength or by observing the lowering of your feedpoint resistance when adding the counterpoise (Ref 3). "
These are some examples gleaned from the internet in refrence to helping with dipole problems. They are not suggested mandatory but helps for certain situations that don't fall in the "perfect world" I am not an antenna tech nor do I play one on tv <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/tongue.gif ALT=":b"> I was just trying to help Phil out with a question and shared my findings.
Thanks Mole ! CDX-4540 was asking me about the vertical dipole as he is without a base antenna at this point.<img src=http://www.wwdx.org/smilies/posticon40.gif ALT=":40">
Edited by: <A HREF=http://p067.ezboard.com/bworldwidecbradioclub.showUserPublicProfile?gid=sonwatcher>Sonwatcher</A> at: 3/21/05 4:25 pm