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That's not the point of the issue, though. No one is saying the A99 doesn't work. In fact, for normal, everyday use it's fine. MY opinion is it's foolish to spend $150.00 to $200.00 to erect an antenna of inferior quality or performance, when one can spend the same and install a better performing and more resilient piece of hardware. Maybe it's just me, maybe I take logic to an extreme, but I'd rather purchase a gold watch over plastic watch if I can get them for the same
I get it, yeah, It may not be the best antenna, but for God sakes it gets out, i'm in California and a lot of my reports within the country are 10 DB plus, what I've learned from this is not to simply post anymore, a lot of haters, I get it haters are gonna hate, I apologize for posting as I have learned my lesson not to post on here and get out of this world wide DX forum, and yeah, spit on the guy and kick him to the curb for using a antron 99, on that note, I'll take down my 99 and go find some chicken wire , lmfao
Personally I just think there are much, much better choices to spend your antenna $ on. Up to and including making your own. Like Homer, I love that part of this hobby. And for those of us not dripping with $, homebrewing can get you more antenna(s) than maybe what you could afford otherwise. And you learn more about RF to boot. Since my phone isn't ringing off the hook with job offers for Rocket Surgery, it can't be that hard to learn/do or I wouldn't be able to pull it off.
I just can't see dropping $200-$300 on a mediocre at best, poorly made antenna that if not set-up and installed under certain conditions gives mediocre or less performance and then falls apart. And I hate seeing new folks to this hobby, who haven't had the chance to learn better, spend/waste their hard earned bucks that way.

Personally I just think there are much, much better choices to spend your antenna $ on. Up to and including making your own. Like Homer, I love that part of this hobby. And for those of us not dripping with $, homebrewing can get you more antenna(s) than maybe what you could afford otherwise. And you learn more about RF to boot. Since my phone isn't ringing off the hook with job offers for Rocket Surgery, it can't be that hard to learn/do or I wouldn't be able to pull it off.
I just can't see dropping $200-$300 on a mediocre at best, poorly made antenna that if not set-up and installed under certain conditions gives mediocre or less performance and then falls apart. And I hate seeing new folks to this hobby, who haven't had the chance to learn better, spend/waste their hard earned bucks that way.

I paid 85 plus tax , had it for 6 years now, have it up about 50 feet, and has not fallen apart, like you said, they are nowhere near two to $300 even today, I don't have real estate to put up a beam antenna, so my only option is to go vertical, and of course, there are many options like he said to do a home brew antenna, but to knock the antenna down, as most of you have makes no sense to me, I get it, all I was asking from the very beginning was to neg ground it and tweak it for better ground it. In other words make it better than what it is but all I got out of this forum was you got a shitty antenna and go F yourself? Really that's what this form is about.? This forum has been very interesting and learning not to pose questions to get positive responses just negativity., I hope you truly have better lives were you can show some appreciation or your knowledge on a more helpful level, at the very least. I thank you for your candor. Have a great day enjoy.
And, actually, the OP was asking advice about whether adding a SS whip would maximize his current gear. Instead, he got numerous telling him how comparatively bad his antenna is, and "what's the point" of even pursuing a maximum result from his A99 with little assistance.
You're right Homer. We did that. Sorry for my part............

You're right Homer. We did that. Sorry for my part............

Its cool, I won't post any more responses after this I'm going to exit this worldwide DX once, and for all, however, I would only ask that if someone comes on here in the future and ask for some technical help to be kind and help if you can, we are all radio operators on here, some of us licensed some of us not I happen to be licensed, but it makes no difference to me because we all share a hobby, that we love, anyways, you guys wish you the best, I'm an older fella nowadays, and I just enjoy peace in my life ! Take care and 73
Its cool, I won't post any more responses after this I'm going to exit this worldwide DX once, and for all, however, I would only ask that if someone comes on here in the future and ask for some technical help to be kind and help if you can, we are all radio operators on here, some of us licensed some of us not I happen to be licensed, but it makes no difference to me because we all share a hobby, that we love, anyways, you guys wish you the best, I'm an older fella nowadays, and I just enjoy peace in my life ! Take care and 73
Caliman409, please do as you wish. However, I personally hope you'll hang around. I've gotten my nose bloodied a few times, but love it here. We don't always agree with each other, but we all learn from each other. Writing things down is nowhere as near effective as having a personal conversation, so getting a bit harsh is often an unfortunate circumstance of forum communications.
I am personally inviting you to stay here. I don't have an A99 currently, but I do have an old Imax2k. It serves me well. If I can't hear someone on it, I don't miss them. If I hear them, then I may work them. I'm happiest when conditions make virtually anything in the air work DX like magic, just like that chicken wire antenna I once built.
They told me it wouldn't work, but it did.
They told me it wouldn't work well, but it did.
They told me something else would work better, but I wasn't using something else.
They told me I was crazy while my logbooks filled up.
They wrote some math hieroglyphics on the internet to prove me wrong while I wrote my contacts in my logbook.
They said I didn't know what I was talking about while I talked around the world.

I build antennas for fun. I use antennas to talk to people. If those two simple things happen, nothing else matters.
A good friend of mine puts it this way...

"We're just lucky that Mother Nature doesn't require our antenna systems to be perfect in order to work our radio."

I went back and reinstated the posts the OP deleted because he got butt hurt with some of the answers. I would suggest that the posts stay and not get deleted again. Without them the thread made no sense whatsoever. We will NOT tolerate someone making posts and then going back and deleting them just because they do not like the answers they got or if they are that paranoid and are trying to erase their online content. We have had paranoid folks like that before and were treated the same way.
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I went back and reinstated the posts the OP deleted because he got butt hurt with some of the answers. I would suggest that the posts stay and not get deleted again. Without them the thread made no sense whatsoever. We will NOT tolerate someone making posts and then going back and deleting them just because they do not like the answers they got or if they are that paranoid and are trying to erase their online content. We have had paranoid folks like that before and were treated the same way.
OK that's fine but can you please delete my profile which I have been trying to do,
Caliman409, please do as you wish. However, I personally hope you'll hang around. I've gotten my nose bloodied a few times, but love it here. We don't always agree with each other, but we all learn from each other. Writing things down is nowhere as near effective as having a personal conversation, so getting a bit harsh is often an unfortunate circumstance of forum communications.
I am personally inviting you to stay here. I don't have an A99 currently, but I do have an old Imax2k. It serves me well. If I can't hear someone on it, I don't miss them. If I hear them, then I may work them. I'm happiest when conditions make virtually anything in the air work DX like magic, just like that chicken wire antenna I once built.

Lots of opinions on the web, some we can learn from, some not so much.
Don't give up, keep going .....

I wholeheartedly agree. Don't give-up. No one meant any personal harm to you with the responses. And this is a really good place to hang out, learn and make friends. I know I have. Some good ones.

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