hey greg what kinda hard hat your using?, does it have integrated bnc or would i have to go so239 like the big strappers?,
would so's be ok as i feel andrews would make my neck stiff and for my use maybe a little ott,
do you have spares suitable for my df loop, if so what colors you got?,
black would be good as we do it a night, us foxes like hunting the local rabbits at night it gives them a sporting chance,
this one works great but the handbook is kinda heavy and my glass is now empty,
when i first made this i was banned from using it because it was so effective, kinda like daves ROD OF GOD and the keydown guys, they said
"you aint using that ROD OF BOB thingy at this hunt"
no joke i was banned from using it, there aint no brotherly love with the hunt no more, this shit is serious,
then they realised that me using the loop allowed us to find more people much faster once we were in the area,
the guys hiding in woods, up trees in old railway tunnels under tank cammo covers could not hide from the ROD OF BOB,
more people got a chance to be the rabbit,
you ever see a rabbit hiding up a tree or under tank cammo? nope me neither, "they are smarter than the average fox booboo"
wadayaknow next thing they were all over ebay looking for df equipment,
my 27mhz tuned arrl loop with the sense antenna ( thats the ROD part ) whoops them all,
what you think greg? hook a brother up with them rf hats and some of that superflexible japanese feedline,